
Blind Method of Hiring a Software Developer - holcombwhopribed

One of the software developers started smelling of cheese. I one time tried something that a waiter called "the smelliest tall mallow in France," so I know what I'm talking about.

Afterwards the smell of the developer surpassed the vividness of the smelliest cheese in France, we complete a sudden truth: he stopped-up showering immediately after the first interview. Ouch! We proven hints, warnings, and threats, only if to get him shower once, and then continued to go in his B.O.
Another computer software developer named in sick oft; poisoned away rotten salmon bellies, then he aforesaid. It was fine, we mentation. After complete, who doesn't suchlike rotten salmon bellies?
But after half a twelve cases of gastrointestinal disorder we started suspecting something erroneous with his diet, only to notice the Guy had a severe imbibing problem.
Lank history shortened, I've made tons of hiring mistakes before.
The problems began all unexpectedly. Ab initio, they every looked like great professionals, and it was only the experience of temporary together that proved how wrong the first impression was.

How Occur They Passed the Question?

Basically, an interview isn't good for anything. My know proves that my sound judgment fails to recognize about anything:

  • Professional skills — in one case I hired a room decorator who spoke little and looked intelligent. Exclusive to learn he didn't understand what I was saying referable the lyric gap
  • Personality — our driver, when we had one, was complaining all the time. His favored topics where the rise of oil prices and opposing-smoking laws, though atomic number 2 was creative and rarely complained about the synoptic matter doubly
  • Well, drug abuse
  • Oh yeah, personal hygiene.

I've unsuccessful to learn anything during the multiple interviews I conducted.
We had to act up something. So, is there a better manner?

The Blind Method

We adoptive a protanopic method where we distanced ourselves from anything besides the work.
We didn't invent it. Symphony orchestras give birth been using it for years. Blind auditions, taken as an manufacture standard, reformed the way the orchestras engage. And they changed the way the orchestras are — for example, raising the dimension of female members.
Would the blind method work for package development?

Our Experiment

We conducted an try out. We chartered in a new way, not to Be distracted by almost anything else:

  • Age, gender, nationality, and brand of smartphone — non even unconsciously.
  • Communication skills — we preceptor't upkeep about the communication skills one exercises in a team (we can't evaluate them in any even at such an early stage). Although it's a pleasure to public lecture to intriguing people, we won't rent someone hardly because his last job was an organist in New Zealand (straight story, we had a laugh at with a resume like that)
  • Experience — we accustomed reject mass who misspelled CORBA as COBRA, even if we ne'er used CORBA (and personally I had itsy-bitsy live besides spelling it). Those years are over; hiring is not a spelling contest anymore
  • Salary — we accepted whatever pay they asked for. Fortunately, Melissa Myers ne'er approached USA. Should she have passed the test, we would have had to sell our homes

In abbreviated, we ignored everything but a single skill: delivering a working cartesian product. But which one?

Stride 1. Prefer a Examination Labor

As the book Remote suggests, the project should be:

  1. Mature enough for a hebdomad operating theatre two of work
  2. Be isolated sufficient, so the result doesn't depend on other people
  3. A feature from scratch. No one likes dealing with legacy code, especially when hoi polloi are observation.

We asked our applicants to develop Pedro, a tool for generating and sharing images.


The ordinal version of Pedro: with cosmic contrive, joint via Twitter API, and improved usability. The first version was quite basic.

I North Korean won't place the job description here, but it was rather clean:

  • A short intro
  • Axure prototype
  • Sketch mockups
  • Use case
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Definition of finished

Step 2. Weft the Candidates

hr bus
We picked a few candidates and asked to check our prove project.
I transmitted this message:

Hi, thanks for writing dorsum!

May I ask you to chequer our current send off and let me know if you would equal to take part?

Everyone wanted to continue.

We exchanged a few messages and offered a Skype call where we explained our test task with a shared screen.We also made sure the candidate appreciated it reactionary. IT helps to ask something like: "Look, can you give a short summary so I translate that we're speaking well-nig the Same thing?"

Step 3. Offer the Test Labor

We've made an offer:

Hello, thanks for your recent call. It was fun!

We'd like to offer our screen job to you.


  • For you, information technology gives an idea about what we're going to do together
  • For United States of America, it gives an idea about your ability to make a complete product.
  • For our customers, they get a cool feature. We're going to publish the end result, course.

Would you like to offse? If so, would you mind to:

  1. Describe the task in your own words
  2. Estimate the completion time
  3. Split it into subtasks, no more 3 days each

Everyone accepted.

Salary Doesn't Count

We didn't negotiate salary. Whatever the candidates proposed was fine.

Complete we cared about was developing our application in a cheap and prompt way.

Away saying "meretricious," we meanspirited the price formed by:



    1. A candidate's hourly rate. It was deliberate by the salary they asked for
    2. My prison term responding questions, effervescent at a rate of $100/hour.

We requisite to avoid needless questions but also to see if the candidate has good mind about which questions were necessary.

We were a shrimpy uneager to charge for answering questions. It's hard to promote teamwork and charge people for questions. Also, we thought it's my fault if I didn't write the trial task expressly.

As the experiment demonstrated, it worked fine.

  1. Whatsoever expenses they will have. For example, if mortal needs assistance from a protagonist, fine. Hypertext markup language coding? QA? We fund some bill.

Maltreat 4. Pass away!

We created a distinguish Basecamp project for each of the candidates. We thought the project was too small for our usual JIRA.And we asked the users to racecourse their time with Hubstaff. It takes screenshots, yes — few people rejected working with it.

I've learned that tracking time requires discipline from America, too. We had to track metre dedicated to each of the candidates.

If I received a subject matter, I lot a timekeeper, scan the message, responded to that, stopped the timer. 43 seconds.

We used Minibooks on my iPhone for that, but any timer would work: Toggle is fine, Hubstaff is ok, too, if not linked to JIRA.

Step 5. Evaluating the Results

Shortly, the results looked the likes of this:

  • Candidate #1 spent 3 days, did nothing, and received $1454.55
  • Campaigner #2 disappeared
  • Candidate #3 fascinated us. He did the whole thing, quickly

Candidate #1. 40-dollar job for $1,033.80

He asked a zillion questions, and all the wrong good-natured. The finish question he asked was "WHO pays the committee for a wire transplant?" The easy serve was "we pay," but the harder head was whether we were bearing in the right direction.
After three days, entirely we had was some staple HTML; I'd say it was 20% of a chore that should get cost $200.
I had to publish a sad substance:

John [describ changed to protect the guilty],

Alas we get to stop our partnership.

IT's nothing own of course; we have to hold open cartroad of our finances, and our funds are like this:

We owe you $1,033.80. Another $30 comes from 0.3 hours of our meter. For this money, we got… not such.

I understand HTML is not your sharpest skill, and I also know you could have outsourced it to somebody other, dealing with API integration meanwhile.

If we complete HTML coding your manner, we'll have to wage 5 times more just for the mockup, resulting in $5,169. That's more than the full-page project estimation from another really expensive candidate.

Also, we've got another candidate who is already finished; all we have to doh is integrate elite group networks; they also charge us inferior.

We appreciate your time and of course we will pay $1,033.80. We do ACH, wire transfers, and PayPal. And of course the committal is on us.


Course, it was huge pay for such work. $1,033.80 + $40 for a wire transfer — that was our fee for rejecting the wrong candidate. Is that much? We don't think so. A recruiting agency probably would possess charged us tenfold.

Developer #2: How to Put a Project on Hold for 22 Days

She was smart and professional. She didn't speak some, understood everything, confirmed everything. She aforementioned "Will do."

Also, she presented some majuscule recommendations.

Too, she was doing mercenary and hated it. She wanted to shift to a full time occupation. We were that encounter.

And then she disappeared.

I called her and she said she had some pending freelance work and asked for additional time to deal with it.

And then she disappeared again.

From the beginning of our search for developers until the moment we stopped-up waiting for her, 22 days passed. If we had her as the only when candidate, we'd have assign the protrude happening hold for 22 days.

Developer #3: That's What We're Talking About

His mention was Serge. I dispatched this message to him:

Whoa! I mean… whoa!

Please pass it through the test cases, then we will test it once more.

Helium spent 8 minutes and 51 seconds of my time — quite a great deal! However he did more than nominative in the acceptance criteria. Unneeded to say, we hired him.


This is how we hired someone with our eyes obstructed. Judgement should be blind after all, far-right? I knew nothing about the guy. Where he worked, what good-natured of expertise he had, if he played golf with the royal family, operating room taught programming to poor commonwealth kids (like matchless of our team members).

I learned where he lives only when he sent his treat for billing.


Digging through and through electronic mail, I've found a message from my teammate World Health Organization was also in touch with the 3rd candidate:

Serge confuses Maine, too direct. The other two are newsworthy.

I don't remember what he meant by "direct," but it's clear: prejudiced judgement would have filtered out Serge and left other two.

And that's how most companies hire! Most, non to enunciat "nigh a few." I hope you are one of those few. I go for you're with us.

To apply the blind method you don't rich person to play in an office. In fact, you don't even need a location. Perhaps, you'd like to know what gadgets help me manage my plan workflow connected the road.

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About the Source
Ivan Boyko is a founder of Icons8. Helium got his first speculate after drawing off a banner with CTR of 43%. Afterwards years of creating icons, he specializes in rapid prototyping and backlog grooming.


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