
What Is The Ethnic Makeup Of The Surname Rabollo"

This article is active the demographic features of the universe of Mali, including population concentration, ethnicity, Department of Teaching level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and another aspects of the population.

Mali's population (1961-2003)

Population [edit]

In 2022, Mali's population was an estimated 19.ane trillion[i] [2], with an annual growth rate of ii.vii%.[iii] This visualize tin be compared to 4,638,000 in 1950.[iv] The population is predominantly rural (68% in 2002), and five–10% of Malians are unsettled.[5] Much than 90% of the population lives in the due south-central part of the area, specially in Bamako, which has terminated 1 1000000 residents.[5]

In 2007, nearly 48% of Malians were to a lesser degree 15 years venerable, 49% were 15–64 years old, and iii% were 65 and older.[3] The median eld was fifteen.nine years.[iii] The birthrate in 2007 was 49.6 births per 1,000, and the full fertility rate was 7.4 children per woman.[iii]

The decease rate in 2007 was 16.5 deaths per 1,000.[3] Life expectancy at nascence was 49.five years tot (47.6 for males and 51.five for females).[iii] Mali has i of the universe's highest rates of infant mortality rate,[5] with 106 deaths per 1,000 liveborn births.[three]

The proportion of the population aged below 15 in 2010 was 47.ii%.[4] of the population were aged between 15 and 65 years old. 2.two% of the population were aged 65 long time OR older.[four]

Total population Population ripened 0–xiv (%) Population old 15–64 (%) Population worn 65+ (%)
1950 four 638 000 38.9 58.3 two.8
1955 4 928 000 40.1 57.four 2.5
1960 5 248 000 forty.5 57.2 2.3
1965 5 597 000 41.5 56.2 2.3
1970 6 034 000 42.3 55.2 2.4
1975 6 604 000 43.three 54.ane 2.6
1980 7 246 000 44.6 52.6 2.viii
1985 8 010 000 45.eight 51.3 two.ix
1990 8 673 000 47.5 49.5 three.0
1995 9 825 000 47.4 49.nine ii.viii
2000 11 295 000 47.two 50.iii 2.5
2005 13 177 000 47.1 50.6 ii.3
2010 15 370 000 47.ii 50.half-dozen 2.2

Structure of the universe [delete]

Structure of the population (01.04.2009) (Nose count, All over tabulation):[6]

Age Aggroup Male Female Unconditioned %
Total 7 204 990 seven 323 672 fourteen 528 662 100
0-iv 1 328 871 1 294 514 2 623 385 18,06
5-9 one 202 875 ane 154 948 2 357 823 16,23
x-14 918 866 865 138 1 784 004 12,28
fifteen-19 732 526 783 620 1 516 146 10,44
20-24 529 535 612 368 1 141 903 7,86
25-29 449 099 546 603 995 702 6,85
30-34 385 003 427 795 812 798 five,59
35-39 325 005 326 894 651 949 4,49
40-44 271 239 275 364 546 603 3,76
45-49 228 626 217 261 445 887 3,07
50-54 189 424 192 382 381 806 2,63
55-59 148 594 134 083 282 677 1,95
60-64 127 557 123 461 251 018 ane,73
65-69 88 292 77 082 165 374 1,14
70-74 67 319 66 063 133 382 0,92
75-79 40 904 36 197 77 101 0,53
80+ 41 992 43 602 85 594 0,59
unknown 129 213 146 297 275 510 1,90
Historic period mathematical group Male Female Total Percent
0-xiv three 450 612 3 314 600 6 765 212 46,56
15-64 3 386 658 3 639 831 vii 026 489 48,36
65+ 238 507 222 944 461 451 3,18

Body construction of the population (DHS 2012-2013) (Males 27 571, Females 28 264 = 55 836) :

Age bracket Male person (%) Female person (%) Full (%)
0-4 nineteen,vii 18,3 nineteen,0
v-ix 18,viii 17,7 18,3
x-xiv 15,9 14,8 15,3
xv-19 7,4 7,ane 7,two
xx-24 4,five 6,ix 5,seven
25-29 four,v vii,7 6,ane
30-34 4,7 6,i 5,iv
35-39 iv,half dozen iv,9 4,8
40-44 iii,8 3,3 3,5
45-49 3,4 two,4 2,9
50-54 2,ix iv,9 3,ix
55-59 2,i 2,2 2,1
60-64 2,9 ane,8 two,3
65-69 two,0 0,9 1,five
lxx-74 one,2 0,5 0,ix
75-79 0,7 0,3 0,5
80+ 0,eight 0,3 0,5
unknown 0,one 0,1 0,1
Historic period group Male (%) Female (%) Total (%)
0-14 54,iv 50,8 52,half dozen
15-64 xl,8 47,1 43,9
65+ four,7 ii,0 3,iv

Ethnic groups [delete]

Ethnic groups include:[vii] Bambara 33.3%, Fulani (French: Peul; Fula: Fulɓe) 13.iii%, Sarakole 9.8%, Senufo 9.6%, Malinke 8.8%, Dogon, Songhai 5.9%, Bobo, Tuareg/Bella 1.7%, other Malian 6%, ECOWAS citizens 0.iv%, other 0.3% (2018 Eastern Time.).

Mali's population consists of Sub-Saharan ethnic groups, sharing similar of import, perceptiveness, and religious traditions. Exceptions are two nomadic northward groups, the Tuaregs, a Berber people, and Maurs (or Moors), of Arabo-Berber origins. In Mali and Niger, the Moors are also known A Azawagh Arabs, named later on the Azawagh region of the Sahara.[8] Azawagh Arabs speak mainly Hassaniya Standard arabic which is one of the territorial varieties of Arabic.[nine]

The Tuaregs traditionally have opposed the key authorities. Starting in June 1990 in the north, Tuaregs seeking greater autonomy led to clashes with the soldierly. In April 1992, the regime and most opposing factions signed a treaty to end the fight and furbish up stability in the north. Its major aims are to take into business relationship greater self-sufficiency to the northward and increase government resource parcelling to what has been a traditionally impoverished region. The peace agreement was renowned in 1996 in Timbuktu during an official and extremely publicized ceremony chosen "Flamme de la Paix"--(peace flame).

Historically, interethnic relations throughout the residual of the commonwealth were facilitated by unchaste mobility on the Niger River and beyond the country'south vast savannahs. Each ethnic group was traditionally even to a specific military control, all working within police force of proximity to each else, although the distinctions were often blurred.

The Bambara, Malinké, Sarakole, Dogon and Songhay are farmers; the Fula or Fulani, Maur, and Tuareg are herders, while the Bozo are fishers. In recent old age this gene linkage has shifted considerably, equally infidel groups look for untraditional sources of income.

White masses in Mali [edit]

Assorted European/African descendants of Muslims of European nation, as salubrious some European nation, Irish, Italian and Portuguese origins sleep in Republic of mali, they are known as the Arma citizenry (i% of the Deport Nation's population). White Malians live in Bamako, Sikasso, Kalabancoro, Koutiala, Ségou, Kayes, Kati, Mopti, Niono, Gao, San, Koro, Bla, Bougouni, Mandé, Baguineda-Camp, Kolondiéba, Kolokani, and others.[x]

Life-sustaining statistics [edit]

Registration of vital events is in Republic of mali not unmitigated. The Population Departement of the UN ready the following estimates. [4]

Catamenia Alive births annually Deaths per year Self-generated change per annum Catholic microwave background radiation* CDR* NC* TFR* IMR*
1950-1955 231 000 166 000 65 000 48.4 34.7 13.6 6.48 175
1955-1960 248 000 175 000 74 000 48.eight 34.three 14.5 6.65 173
1960-1965 266 000 182 000 84 000 33.7 15.5 6.75 168
1965-1970 287 000 180 000 107 000 49.four 31.0 xviii.4 half-dozen.87 162
1970-1975 312 000 179 000 133 000 49.iii 28.3 21.1 6.93 156
1975-1980 343 000 179 000 163 000 49.5 25.9 7.01 149
1980-1985 377 000 181 000 196 000 49.4 23.7 25.8 vii.07 141
1985-1990 408 000 179 000 229 000 48.9 21.5 27.4 7.09 135
1990-1995 450 000 185 000 265 000 20.1 28.7 7.01 127
1995-2000 519 000 196 000 323 000 49.i 18.6 30.5 six.88 119
2000-2005 600 000 210 000 390 000 49.0 17.2 31.8 6.71 111
2005-2010 680 000 221 000 459 000 47.6 15.5 32.1 6.46 101
* CBR = crude fertility rate (per 1000); CDR = crude destruction pace (per 1000); NC = natural change (per 1000); IMR = baby deathrate rate per m births; TFR = full fertility rate (turn of children per adult female)

Births and deaths [6]

Year Universe Agile births Deaths Unaffected increase Crude birth rate Rough bloodshed Value of natural stride-up TFR
2009 xiv 517 176 666 216 62 371 603 845 45,nine iv,three 41,six

Fertility and Births [edit]

Tote up Fertility Charge per unit (TFR) (Wanted Fecundity Rate) and Crude Fertility rate (CBR):[eleven]

Year CMBR (Full) TFR (Unconditioned) Catholic microwave groundwork (Urban) TFR (Urban) CBR (Rural) TFR (Rural)
1981-1983 vii.10 vi.85 7.17
1984-1986 half-dozen.73 6.09 6.97
1995-1996 45.1 half-dozen.7 (6.0) 39.9 5.4 (iv.8) 47.2 vii.3 (6.6)
2001 45.1 six.8 ( 42.1 five.5 (iv.eight) 45.9 7.3 (6.six)
2006 45.2 half dozen.six (6.0) 41.8 5.4 (5.i) 46.6 7.2 (6.v)
2012-2013 38.8 half (v.3) 36.7 5.0 (4.three) 39.two 6.5 (5.half dozen)
2018 40.9 6.3 (5.5) 36.3 4.nine (4.two) 42.three six.8 (vi.0)

Birthrate data as of 2012-2013 (DHS Program):[12]

Area Total nativity rate rate Percent of women get on 15-49 currently meaning Mean number of children ever born to women age xl-49
Kayes half dozen.0 11.3 half-dozen.0
Koulikoro 6.0 14.3 5.eight
Sikasso 6.6 xi.5 6.ii
Ségou 12.two 6.i
Mopti 6.5 11.7 v.9
Bamako 5.1 6.5 5.1

Immigration and expatriation [edit]

Republic of Mali had an estimated net migration rate of –6.6 migrants per 1,000 people in 2006.[13] Astir 3 million Malians are believed to reside in Côte d'Ivoire and French republic. Conversely, according to a 2003 estimate, Mali hosts nigh 11,000 Mauritanians; most are Fulani herders who routinely appoint in cantankerous-border migration. In addition, in that location are several thousand refugees from Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in Bamako and other citified areas of Mali.[5]

Demographic statistics [delete]

Demographic statistics according to the Humankind Population Review in 2022.[14]

  • 1 birthing all 39 seconds
  • One destruction every 3 minutes
  • Ane net migrant every 13 minutes
  • Clear gain of 1 person every 55 seconds

The pursuing demographic are from the CIA Globe Factbook[xv] unless otherwise indicated.

Universe [edit]

eighteen,429,893 (July 2022 est.)

Get on construction [edit]

Universe pyramid of Republic of mali in 2022

0-14 days: 48.03% (male person 4,449,790 /female person iv,402,076)
15-24 years: eighteen.89% (male 1,657,609 /female 1,823,453)
25-54 geezerhood: 26.36% (male person 2,243,158 /immature-bearing 2,615,695)
55-64 days: 3.7% (male 346,003 /pistillate 335,733)
65 years and over: iii.02% (male 277,834 /female person 278,542) (2018 est.)

Median historic period [edit]

total: fifteen.eight geezerhood. State comparison to the globe: 227th
male: 15.two years
female person: 16.5 years (2018 est.)

Nativity accuse per unit [edit]

43.2 births/1,000 population (2018 EST.) Land comparison to the globe: 3rd

Death rate [edit]

nine.half dozen deaths/ane,000 universe (2018 Eastern Fourth dimension.) Country comparing to the globe: 45th

Full birth charge per unit [edit]

five.9 children born/woman (2018 est.) Country comparability to the humanity: 5th

Population growth rate [edit]

two.98% (2018 est.) Country comparability to the world: eighth

Overprotect's mean historic period at the start give birth [cut]

18.viii years (2012/13 EST.)
notation: median maturat at offset nativity among women 25-29

Condom prevalence rate [edit]

15.half dozen% (2015)

Cyberspace migration rate [edit]

-3.9 migrant(south)/1,000 population (2017 EST.) Country compare to the world: 181st

Religions [redact]

Muslim 94.8%, Christian two.iv%, Animist 2%, none 0.v%, unspecified 0.three% (2009 Eastern Standard Time.)

Dependency ratios [redact]

total dependency ratio: 101.ix (2015 est.)
youth addiction ratio: 96.viii (2015 est.)
elderly dependency ratio: 5.i (2015 est.)
potential livelihood ratio: 19.5 (2015 est.)

Urbanization [delete]

urban population: 42.4% of total population (2018)
rate of urbanization: 4.86% annual rate of commute (2015-20 est.)

Largest cities or towns in Mali

Accordant to the 2009 Demography[16]

Rank Distinguish Region Dad.
ane Bamako Bamako 1,810,366
ii Sikasso Sikasso 226,618
3 Koutiala Sikasso 141,444
4 Ségou Ségou 133,501
5 Kayes Kayes 126,319
6 Mopti Mopti 120,786
7 Kalabancoro Koulikoro 96,173
8 Gao GAO 86,353
nine Kati Koulikoro 84,500
10 San Ségou 66,967

Life expectancy at nascence [edit]

absolute population: 60.8 years (2018 est.)
male: 58.half-dozen years (2018 est.)
female: 63 years (2018 est.)

Literacy [redact]

definition: historic period 15 and all over can learn and publish (2015 est.)

full population: 33.ane% (2015 est.)
male: 45.1% (2015 Eastern Time.)
female: 22.two% (2015 Eastern Time.)

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) [blue-pencil]

total: 7 years (2015)
male: eight years (2015)
female: 7 years (2015)

Unemployment, youthfulness ages xv-24 [edit]

total: 30.5% (2016 Eastern Standard Fourth dimension.)
immature-begetting: 29.6% (2016 est.)
female: 31.3% (2016 est.)

Languages [edit out]

Although each ethnic grouping speaks a separate language, near 80% of Malians communicate over indigenous borders in Bambara, which is the usual language of the marketplace. French is the land's regular language and is spoken somewhat by 30% of Malians.

Organized religion [edit]

An estimated 95% of Malians are Sunni Moslem, iv% adhere to autochthonic or traditional animist behavior, and 1% are Christlike (agile two-thirds Roman Broad-minded and one-3rd Protestant).[3] [5] Atheism and scepticism are believed to be rare amongst Malians, almost of whom practice their organized religion on a daily basis.[five] Islam equally practiced in Mali tin exist average, tolerant, and adjusted to local atmospheric condition; dealings betwixt Muslims and practitioners of minority religious faiths are mostly amicable.[5] The organic law establishes a secular state and provides for freedom of organized religion, and the politics for the about function respects this redress.[5]

Wellness [edit]

Mali'southward wellness and exploitation indicators rank amidst the worst in the reality. In 2000 simply 62–65 percent of the universe was estimated to have access to unhazardous drinking piddle and merely 69 pct to sanitation services of some kind; only 8 per centum was estimated to have access to modern sanitation facilities. Just twenty percent of the nation's villages and farm beast watering holes had mod water facilities.[five]

At that place were an estimated 140,000 cases of human immunodeficiency estimator virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) reported in 2003, and an estimated 1.ix pct of the adult universe was afflicted with HIV/AIDS that yr, amid the lowest rates in Sub-Saharan Africa (run across as wel HIV/AIDS in Africa).[five] In the same year, there were 12,000 AIDS deaths. The infant bloodshed rate is 69.5 deaths/1,000 live births (75.3/ane,000 among males and 63.v/i,000 among females) (2017 est.). Life anticipation at nascence is sixty.3 years (58.ii eld among males and 62.v years amid females) (2017 est.).

Life anticipation [edit]

Historic period Living expectancy in
1950–1955 26.96
1955–1960 Increase 27.98
1960–1965 Increase 28.61
1965–1970 Increase xxx.79
1970–1975 Increase 34.20
1975–1980 Increase 37.71
1980–1985 Increase 41.55
1985–1990 Increase 44.51
1990–1995 Increase 46.57
1995–2000 Increase 46.75
2000–2005 Increase 49.96
2005–2010 Increase 54.03
2010–2015 Increase 56.24

Education [edit]

In the 2000–01 school year, the primary winding school enrollment charge per unit was 61% (71% of males and 51% of females). The course schoolhouse completion rate is also broken: but 36 percent of students in 2003 (and lower for females). The majority of students reportedly bestow school past eld 12. In the posthumous 1990s, the secondary school enrollment plac was xv% pct (20% of males and ten% of females).[5]

According to USA government estimates, the mature literacy charge per unit (distinct as those over age 15 who can read and write) was 46.iv percent for the aggregate population in 2003 (53.5 per centum for males and 39.half dozen percent for females). According to Unitary Nations sources, withal, the literacy rate is actually much lower berth—alone 27–thirty per centum full and every bit low every bit 12 percent for females, amidst the everyman rates in Africa.

References [edit]

  1. ^ ""World Population prospects – Population segmentation"". United Nations Department of Economic and Social Diplomacy, Population Grade. Retrieved November 9, 2022.
  2. ^ ""Boilers suit total population" – World Universe Prospects: The 2022 Revise" (xslx). (custom information nonheritable via website). Un Section of Economic and Interpersonal Diplomacy, Population Sectionalisation. Retrieved November 9, 2022.
  3. ^ a b c d east f thou h CIA world factbook.
  4. ^ a b c d Population Division of the Section of Economic and Social Diplomacy of the Un Secretariat, Globe Population Prospects: The 2010 Rewrite Archived May 6, 2011, at the Wayback Motorcar
  5. ^ a b c d e f k h i j thou Mali land profile. Subroutine library of Congress Federal Enquiry Sectionalization (Jan 2005). This article incorporates text from this germ, which is in the public domain.
  6. ^ a b "United Nations Statistics Sectionalization - Demographic and Social Statistics". . Retrieved 2017-08-27 .
  7. ^ "Africa :: MALI". CIA The World Factbook.
  8. ^ For an launching to the civilisation of the Azawagh Arabs, see Rebecca Popenoe, Alimentation Want — Fatness, Dazzler and Sexuality amidst a Saharan People. Routledge, London (2003) ISBN 0-415-28096-6
  9. ^ Popenoe (2003), p. 16-17.
  10. ^ Fage, J. D.; Oliver, Roland Antony (1975). The Cambridge Story of Africa. ISBN9780521204132.
  11. ^ "Mensuration DHS: Demographic and Wellness Surveys". . Retrieved 2017-08-27 .
  12. ^ "Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDSM-V) 2012-2013" (PDF). Republic of mali Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDSM-V).
  13. ^ CIA factbook
  14. ^ "French Sudan Population 2022", World Population Review
  15. ^ "The World FactBook - Republic of Mali", The World Factbook, July 12, 2022 Public Domain This commodity incorporates textual matter from this source, which is in the public earth .
  16. ^ "Republic of mali: Regions, Major Cities & Localities". Population Statistics in Maps and Charts . Retrieved 5 Sep 2022.
  17. ^ "Domain Population Prospects - Universe Partitioning - Incorporated Nations". esa.united . Retrieved 2018-08-26 .

Farther reading [edit]

  • Samaké, Salif; Traoré, Seydou Moussa; Ba, Souleymane; Dembélé, Étienne; Diop, Mamadou; Mariko, Soumaïla; Libité, Paul Roger (2007), Republic of mali: Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDSM-IV) 2006 (PDF), Calverton, MD, USA: Demographic and Health Surveys .


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